Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Zippo Rube Goldberg Machine

1) Dominoes fall, final one landing on a lever.
2)Lever knocks over cup full of marbles, filling up a plastic baggie.
3)Baggie pulls downwards on a pulley system, lifting up a staple from foam board.
4)The staple had been previously holding down a lever system. Now free to fall, the heavy end of the lever falls
5) The pencil eraser hits the talk button on cell phone A, calling cell phone B.
6) Cell phone B vibrates, knocking the Pink Hot Wheel Car down the track, and around the loop, bumping into the Flame Hot Wheel Car.
7) The Flame Hot Wheel Car is shot through the accelerator, hitting a loop of string.
8) The loop of string comes off the nail, allowing Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince to free-fall.
9) Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince falls on a plank of wood
10) The plank of wood is forced down, spinning the wheel and igniting the Zippo lighter.

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