1. Turn the hand-powered "generator"
2. Motor lifts dog house
3. Gear dog walks out of house
4. Triggers mousetrap
5. String on mousetrap spins gears
6. Paperclip from gears releases bag of balls
7. Bag pushes on lever
8. Lever releases pink ball
9. Pink ball triggers mousetrap
10. Mousetrap pulls nail from yellow stick, dropping a weight
11. String on weight pulls lever up
12. Lever releases golf ball
13. Golf ball bumps ball down staircase
14. Ball bumps tinkertoy sticks
15. Magnetic ball rolls slowly through copper pipe
16. Lands in basket and pushes down lever
17. Another lever sets off mousetrap
18. Mousetrap triggers Gauss Rifle (magnetic propulsion)
19. Magnets travel uphill, releasing last one through yellow tube.
20. Hits a set of marbles, that roll down the "pinball machine"
21. Marbles knock over blue lego piece
22. Lego triggers mousetrap number four
23. Mousetrap pulls plug from bottle, releasing sand
24. Weight of sand (eventually) turns on switch
25. Switch powers motor that spins bingo cage. This releases a ball to pick the winner!
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